Laura Nowlan

The Leadership Foundation’s Entrepreneur Development for Growth and Excellence (EDGE) program has been nothing short of a lifeline for our women-owned, minority owned, and family-operated small business. In our journey as entrepreneurs navigating a fiercely competitive market, EDGE provided us with invaluable resources and unwavering support that not only helped us weather the storms of the past few years, including the challenges posed by COVID-19, but also chart a course towards sustainable growth. As we stepped into 2023, downsizing our operations and making tough decisions, the EDGE program emerged as a beacon of hope, offering not just financial guidance but a comprehensive toolkit to stabilize our business and rebuild our foundations. With the closure of our locations in TX, AZ, IN and downsizing our local NV branch, the program has been instrumental in helping us pivot and refocus our efforts on reinvigorating the Las Vegas, Nevada job market.

What truly sets the EDGE program apart is its commitment to harnessing local expertise in finance, banking, marketing, and legal aspects of business. The classes facilitated by community experts have been instrumental in sharpening our skills and enhancing our business acumen. EDGE is more than just a program; it is a well-designed platform that provides small businesses like ours with the expert guidance needed to achieve sustainability. With EDGE by our side, we are confident that we can not only overcome challenges but also thrive and make a positive impact on the Las Vegas, Nevada workforce as we work towards a brighter future.

We are incredibly grateful and blessed to be part of the Leadership Foundation’s EDGE Program. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the sponsors and community experts who have made this invaluable program available to our small business.

President of See Us Now Staffing, offering nationwide personalized and connected staffing services. EDGE Graduate Class of 2023. For more information visit

“A well-designed platform that provides small businesses like ours with the expert guidance.”

– Laura Nowlan

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The Leadership Foundation of Greater Las Vegas, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization affiliated with the Vegas Chamber. This project is being supported, in who or in part, by federal award number SLFRPO217 awarded to the City of Las Vegas by the Department of Treasury.